Are Qualitative Assessment and Student Self-Assessment Useful in Reading Instruction?

  • assessment
  • 30 September, 2023

Teacher question:

Our reading program has us evaluating students on several strategies and reading skills (e.g., orienting, predicting, monitoring, story elements, identifying point of view, word solving, retelling, inferring character traits, determining theme). It provides grade level rubrics so that we can tell the difference between whether students are doing 4th grade or 5th grade work. We are also encouraged to have the students themselves self-assess their progress on these elements. The idea is that we are to use these evaluations to help students see where they are. Is this kind of thing useful or is it a waste of time? 

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Shanahan response:

There are really two questions here – one dealing with whether this kind of qualitative evaluation of students’ reading ability provides useful information that would facilitate teaching and learning and one concerning whether we should involve kids in self-evaluation of their own reading ability.

What would it take for such a teacher evaluation tool to be useful?

First, it’s important that the skills and abilities evaluated must be central to reading growth. I have no doubt that someone can evaluate how well a student makes predictions, but I‘m  dubious that improving prediction will result in higher reading achievement. Likewise, I’d expect a real payoff from getting kids to pause appropriately during oral reading – makes sense to evaluate that – but getting the student to alter his or her voice when reading aloud probably wouldn’t pay off, so I wouldn’t take the time to assess that.

I think you could profitably jettison many of those rubrics without any loss.

Frankly, I wouldn’t spend a lot of time trying to evaluate specific comprehension behaviors. Instead, I’d evaluate kids’ comprehension by having them read texts and write summaries, engage in retellings, or answer questions.

Second, the evaluation must describe not just the reading behavior, but also the context in which that behavior must be demonstrated. The items that you sent me don’t do that. What level should the text be? How clear should the theme be? Are the students supposed to read the text on their own and write a theme statement or are they going to discuss it with the group? And so on. Let’s face it: If the text is easy enough, most of your kids will meet many of those goals. If it’s a hard text, then not so much.

I’d recommend standardizing how you will make those judgments.

Also, it’s important that these evaluations be made about specific reading events. You can’t assess generally. Often teachers will flip through these kinds of assessments at the end of a report card marking or to prepare for parent conferences. The problem with that approach is “haloes and horns.” We all tend to expect coherence. We make an overall judgment: “Jamal is not a very good student/reader.” Then, when asked about his vocabulary, fluency, comprehension strategies, and so on, we try to make those judgments consistent with our overall view. In other words, kids have either haloes or horns. We are not good at developing separate – and perhaps contradictory – judgments on long lists of related skills and abilities. But, if asked to evaluate something specific that we just observed, that we can do reasonably well – at least with some training and practice.

That last point isn’t unimportant. I’d feel better if the publisher could provide evidence that teachers have successfully and accurately made these judgments – and that doing so improved their teaching and student learning. Barring that, there is at the very least a need for some kind of professional development, aimed at guiding teachers to assess students’ reading. Again, my hunch is that is not what is being done – which to me means these assessments are probably not very useful.

But what about student self-evaluation?

I’m not big on the idea of kids grading themselves or trying to determine if they’ve learned a strategy adequately. Those kinds of evaluations are better relegated to the teachers.

But involving students in self-assessment should have more of an instructive purpose than an evaluative one. Peter Afflerbach, a professor at the University of Maryland, says that he groups “self-assessment with closely related metacognition, self-awareness, comprehension monitoring and even executive function.” All of which, of course, are related to reading comprehension.

Reading instruction should help kids to develop metacognition when they’re reading (Lin & Zabrucky, 1998). For example, your seven-year-old, Olivia, is reading her new library book. She reads, “I love my supper.” She pauses, looks at the picture with a puzzled expression, and re-reads that last line: “I love my surrr—prise… I love my surprise.”

Or let’s say your boss asks you to read a document. She tells you that she wants to talk to you about it this afternoon. She isn’t specific about what she wants to know. You read the text and think you understand it generally but recognize that there are a lot of specifics that need to be reviewed before the meeting.

Those two examples show metacognition at work. These readers are thinking about their thinking. They are paying attention to their reading and making the adjustments necessary to be successful.

Developing those kinds of abilities for reading is an important instructional goal.

Involving students in self-evaluation can be an important part of instruction towards that goal.

There is a lot of research showing the importance of metacognition to reading (Johansson, 2013), and several studies show that we can teach students to monitor comprehension, fix up misunderstandings, and select appropriate strategies (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 2000).

However, I know of no studies that have evaluated the self-evaluation part of their instructional routines. It is easy to think that would be a useful step, but at this point I’m not convinced the evidence is adequate.

Again, from Professor Afflerbach: “In terms of practice, I think there’s a demonstrable gap between the promise of late 70’s and early 80’s metacognition research and realization of that promise in reading curricula.”

I think he’s right about that.

Research reveals the challenges and complexity of self-evaluation (Dunlosky & Lipko, 2007; Glenberg, Wilkinson, & Epstein, 1982; Österholm, 2015; Pressley & Ghatala, 1990), but overall it shows that it can contribute to learning (Andrade, 2023). Most readers aren’t especially good at determining how well they have comprehended a text. And, the research hasn’t been especially articulate about how to successfully teach kids to evaluate themselves – at least in ways that make them better readers.

Nevertheless, it makes sense to me to involve kids in evaluating how well they are reading text passages, and if they recognize where their comprehension is falling short, to consider what strategies might address the problem.

How to best do this?

Remember there isn’t a lot of research direction here. One thing that I would do, however, would be to have students read texts at a range of difficulty levels. It is a lot easier to self-evaluate if you can experience a range of degrees of comprehension.

Also, studies show that readers do better with self-evaluation when they are actively reading; for instance, self-assessment improves when readers read and summarize rather than when they only read (Maki, Foley, Kajer, Thompson, & Willert, 1990).

The scheme you showed me isn’t very good in my opinion, but its heart is in the right place. I’d suggest that you trim it down, standardize it, and convince your district to invest in professional development aimed at enabling you and your colleagues to evaluate successfully.

But remember, the purpose of student self-evaluation is less about assessment and more about teaching. Getting kids to evaluate how well they understand paragraphs or sections of a text – which ones they are certain they understand, which ones are confusing them – can be a good starting place for starting those instructional conversations.

READ MORE: Shanahan On Literacy Blog


Andrade, H. L. (2023). A critical review of research on student self-assessment. Frontiers in Education. Doi: 10.3389/feduc.2019.00087

Dunlosky, J., & Lipko, A. R. (2007). Metacomprehension: A brief history and how to improve its accuracy. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 16(4), 228–232.

Glenberg, A. M., Wilkinson, A. C. & Epstein, W. (1982). The illusion of knowing: Failure in the self-assessment of comprehension. Memory & Cognition, 10(6), 597-602.

Johansson, S. (2013). The relationship between students self-assessed reading skills and other measures of achievement. Large Scale Assessemnts in Education, 1(3).

Lin, L., & Zabrucky, K. M. (1998). Calibration of comprehension: Research and implications for education and instruction. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 23(4), 345-391.

Maki, R. H., Foley, J. M., Kajer, W. K., Thompson, R. C., & Willert, M. G. (1990). Increased processing enhances calibration of comprehension. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 16(4), 609–616.

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. (2000). Report of the National Reading Panel: Teaching children to read: Reports of the subgroups (00-4754). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

Österholm, M. (2015). What is the basis for self-assessment of comprehension when reading mathematical expository texts? Reading Psychology, 36(8), 673–699.

Pressley, M., & Ghatala, E. (1990). Self-regulated learning: Monitoring learning from text. Educational Psychologist, 25, 19-33.

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See what others have to say about this topic.

MaryEllen Vogt Sep 30, 2023 02:44 PM

Tim, thank you for another thought-provoking and highly relevant blog. Could you please provide the reference for Peter’s research article?

Elena Behar Lazarova Sep 30, 2023 02:57 PM

Thank you! Very useful! I appreciate the point you make that it is of crucial importance to not only look at the reading-related behaviors that are measured, but also at the context - or the level of text complexity. I would suggest that in that line of thought, we also need to be cognizant of the the subject of the text since a reader who knows a lot about baseball will generally have a higher degree of comprehension of a text related to baseball as compared to a reader who knows nothing about baseball, as well as the reader’s degree or English language proficiency.

Timothy Shanahan Sep 30, 2023 04:34 PM

Thanks, MaryEllen -- That was not a research article, just a thoughtful email he sent me and that he graciously allowed me to quote from.


Dr. Bill Conrad Oct 01, 2023 12:55 AM

So glad to see your recognition of the importance of assessment in education and especially reading. There are two critical components to formative assessment that include the collection of data/information followed secondly by an evaluation/diagnosis. Assessment should then lead to appropriate intervention and monitoring for the success or lack of success of the instructional intervention. Too many educators end their assessment soirées with the collection of data completely forgetting the evaluation/intervention/monitoring elements.

The quality implementation of formative assessment with descriptive feedback has been shown to have a tremendous effect size of 0.7 according to John Hattie!

Amy Geary Oct 01, 2023 09:54 AM

Thank you, Tim, for addressing this question so succinctly. You seem to go beyond the clutter and clarify the research for practitioners, like me.

At some point, though, I’d like to hear your thoughts about the reliability of computer-based assessments that provide data for silent reading fluency. My school relies heavily on a student’s SRF score that an online assessment generates. In fact, the assessment will not generate a composite score of the student reads too slow silently. Yet, the computer is merely calculating how long the examinee is on one screen before he moves to the next to answer a comprehension question. The examinee never reads into a microphone or any recording device. When I asked about the validity and reliability from the company, I was sent a voluminous administrative manual that I had difficulty navigating through, and I could not locate my answer. I tend to believe SRF are not highly reliable and should be taken with a grain of salt. Yet, I would like to know your thoughts.

Thank you for your consideration!

Drew Oct 09, 2023 07:56 PM

Tim - Thank your thoughts. Can you clarify your point made here:

"Frankly, I wouldn’t spend a lot of time trying to evaluate specific comprehension behaviors. Instead, I’d evaluate kids’ comprehension by having them read texts and write summaries, engage in retellings, or answer questions."

Is that another way of saying that we should attempt to assess comprehension PRODUCTS and not the processes? Or just emphasize the product more?

Is there a way to accurately measure/determine the specific comprehension processes (vocab/theme/predicting/text structure/language structure) preventing a student from understanding a text? Or are there way to many dynamics at play (background knowledge/motivation/executive functioning/contexts/task demands) for that to be feasible.

Is there any definitive research that points us to the most accurate/and efficient) way of measuring comprehension? ( Open ended summaries/retelling, multiple choice questions?)

Drew Oct 09, 2023 07:56 PM

Tim - Thank your thoughts. Can you clarify your point made here:

"Frankly, I wouldn’t spend a lot of time trying to evaluate specific comprehension behaviors. Instead, I’d evaluate kids’ comprehension by having them read texts and write summaries, engage in retellings, or answer questions."

Is that another way of saying that we should attempt to assess comprehension PRODUCTS and not the processes? Or just emphasize the product more?

Is there a way to accurately measure/determine the specific comprehension processes (vocab/theme/predicting/text structure/language structure) preventing a student from understanding a text? Or are there way to many dynamics at play (background knowledge/motivation/executive functioning/contexts/task demands) for that to be feasible.

Is there any definitive research that points us to the most accurate/and efficient) way of measuring comprehension? ( Open ended summaries/retelling, multiple choice questions?)

Timothy Shanahan Oct 10, 2023 04:14 AM

Drew— there is no way to meaningfully or usefully measure students’ vocabulary (as relevant to comprehension, main idea, or any of the skills or processes. Question types are meaningless. Stick to things like retelling or summaries with follow up (asking kids about info omitted from their retells, etc.). Even that isn’t great since so much of the performance will depend on passage content and length of passage etc.


Timothy Shanahan Oct 25, 2023 02:58 PM


Reading authorities have long evaluated silent reading fluency by calculating the speed with which they process text. Like you, I trust in oral reading fluency measures more than silent reading ones -- because I can be certain that the student was actually reading. Nevertheless, as students get older I assume a good silent reading composite (speed and comptrehension) would be the superior measure. With elementary kids, especially in the primary grades, I would put greater reliance on oral reading because it is more closely related to comprehension and will reveal decoding problems.


Timothy Shanahan Oct 25, 2023 08:35 PM


What I was referring to there was the widely held notion that asking kids certain kinds of questions provides an evaluation of specific comprehension skills or that such questions even lead kids to improved comprehension in specific ways. The idea that asking main idea questions, inferential questions, drawing conclusions questions, so on reveals something important just doesn't bear scrutiny. Teachers waste a lot of time trying to evaluate whether students can answer questions that seem related to particular standards when they would be better served looking more generally at students' comprehension.


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Are Qualitative Assessment and Student Self-Assessment Useful in Reading Instruction?


One of the world’s premier literacy educators.

He studies reading and writing across all ages and abilities. Feel free to contact him.

Timothy Shanahan is one of the world’s premier literacy educators. He studies the teaching of reading and writing across all ages and abilities. He was inducted to the Reading Hall of Fame in 2007, and is a former first-grade teacher.  Read more

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