Happy Holidays -- Literacy Charities

  • 16 December, 2018

Happy holidays to all

Whether you celebrate Thanksgiving, Chanukah, December Solstice, Christmas, Boxing Day, Kwanzaa, St. Stephen’s Day, New Year’s or any of the myriad of other joyous occasions that mark this time of the calendar, I wish you joy and bounty

This will be my last entry of 2018. Stay tuned. I have lots of new content planned for 2019.

I hope you will continue to read my blogs and to use the free publications, videos, resources, and other material at Shanahan on Literacy. Be sure to subscribe so that you never miss an entry, and please consider signing up your entire school, department, or district for a subscription (let us know of your interest and we can facilitate that).

It has been an annual tradition at Shanahan On Literacy to encourage everyone to remember literacy programs in their charitable giving. I’m only able to remind you of wonderful nationwide and international programs deserving of your generosity. I limit my list programs with the highest Charity Navigator ratings. Obviously, there are many other local programs that could benefit from your assistance, too (many of those are listed in Charity Navigator, but without ratings).

In 2017, with the start of my new website, it became possible for me to keep links to these charities available year round: https://shanahanonliteracy.com/charities. But an annual reminder still seems worthwhile. (In case it matters, I have no connection to any of these agencies.)

Please consider gifts to the following literacy and book-oriented charities:

Books for Africa

This program collects books for readers of all ages in Africa—it accepts both book donations as well as financial contributions.

First Book

Every year First Book distributes free books to 5 million needy kids as well as to large numbers of classrooms.

Jump Start

This program supports volunteer projects in schools with a focus on early education and reading promotion.

Reach Out and Read

This program distributes books and provides parent reading training and support through pediatricians and medical clinics.

Reading Partners

This provides volunteer-based tutoring programs in 14 metropolitan areas around the U.S.

United through Reading

This program connects military families through reading—making it possible for our military men and women to read to their kids at a distance. 

Room to Read

This worldwide literacy program focuses on partner training and book distribution.

This will be my last blog entry of 2018. Stay tuned. I have lots of new content planned for 2019. I hope you will stay with me and will consider signing your entire school, department, or district for a subscription (please let me know, I can facilitate that).


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Happy Holidays -- Literacy Charities


One of the world’s premier literacy educators.

He studies reading and writing across all ages and abilities. Feel free to contact him.

Timothy Shanahan is one of the world’s premier literacy educators. He studies the teaching of reading and writing across all ages and abilities. He was inducted to the Reading Hall of Fame in 2007, and is a former first-grade teacher.  Read more

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