How do we teach Executive Function in reading?

  • executive function
  • 15 January, 2022

Teacher question:

Could you tell us how to teach “Executive function skills”? We don’t teach them at our school, and our core program doesn’t emphasize them. However, the graduate program I’m in says they are important. Our school district emphasizes the reading rope, and it doesn’t even mention executive function. But my professor showed us the “Active View of Reading Model” which does include it. Which of these is the science of reading and what should I be doing to teach executive function? I teach third grade.

Shanahan response:

Let’s first try to figure out what executive function is. Basically, the term executive function (EF) refers to a set of neurocognitive processes that we use for self-control or self-regulation. People have goals, they plan, they coordinate their actions, they focus their attention and shut out distraction, they adjust their focus and emphasis, and so on. EF is the boss man (or woman) in your head that takes charge of regulating your behavior and directing your attention and so on.

At the general level – and my description was pretty general – there isn’t much disagreement about EF. However, when you drill down you start finding nagging discrepancies and contradictions. For instance, when I was in grad school a hot topic was metacognition, our awareness and management of our own thinking. Studies at that time showed that good readers monitored their reading – their metacognition was on the lookout for mistakes and misunderstandings so it could unleash fix up strategies (e.g., “I don’t get it, I should reread that part”).

These days, not all treatments of executive function include metacognition (Roebers, 2017). Some EF experts don’t mention it at all, and others claim it to be a separate category of self-regulation, though why we’d have multiple guys/gals in our heads taking on those kinds of problems I don’t know.

Another puzzler has to do with the role of “working memory.” Working memory is the limited capacity system that holds information temporarily while we think about it. That’s where we figure things out and solve problems and so on. Most or all definitions of EF include some prominent mention of working memory.

But there are disagreements about what that entails. Working memory can only manage a small number of items at a time – and that capacity is more due to neural architecture and genetics than training. It seems contradictory that executive function would be focused on working memory given that it is out of conscious control. Nevertheless, there have been many studies aimed at increasing the capacity of working memory as a way of addressing executive function.

Another way to conceptualize working memory is as a cognitive system that includes not only a limited capacity processor, but also the attentional processes that determine what enters working memory, our abilities to rehearse and otherwise renew information so it doesn’t disappear before we’re done with it, ideas about how to chunk information or move it along to long term memory, and so on. Those attention and memory management tools certainly seem to belong to EF.

If you look at that “Active View” model that you mention (Duke & Cartwright, 2021), you’ll see that its authors lump several processes together under “self-regulation,” including motivation, executive function, and strategy uses (not just comprehension strategies, but the ones we use when decoding or dealing with word meanings).

That model ignores metacognition (though the article mentions a study that included comprehension monitoring in its model), and it separates executive function and reading strategies (though they are each listed within the self-regulation category).

One thing is clear, even across a variety of definitions: executive function is closely related to reading ability. Students who demonstrate the best working memory, cognitive flexibility, self-control, and so on tend to be the best readers.

With that information on the table, let’s turn to your question about teaching. You wanted to know how to teach Executive Function in reading, but there is an even more fundamental question that must be asked. Can we teach EF?

The answer to that question may depend to some extent upon what you include in the EF drawer.  

If you focus on something like working memory capacity, you’ll likely conclude that EF can’t be taught or that it can’t be taught sufficiently well to allow someone to read or learn to read any better (Melby-Lervåg, & Hulme, 2016). I was able to find one study in which general EF instruction had impacted reading achievement (Johann & Karbach, 2020), but it wasn’t clear to me why this general flexibility training affected some reading tasks but not others (it improved student ability to choose words to fill blanks in sentences, but not reading comprehension or word reading ability), why only a game version of the training had any impact on reading, or whether the results were replicable.

On the other hand, if you include items that are more of the “applied EF” or “reading specific EF”, then the possibilities are greater. I myself would include all those monitoring skills and reading strategies as part of EF, since EF is intentional and strategic in nature.

However, if you set those aside, the pickings are much slimmer, but Duke and Cartwright (2021) point out one really interesting example. Cartwright (and her colleagues) conducted a series of studies in which children in grades 2-5 learn to respond to words flexibly – sorting them both based on letters and meaning – which improved word reading abilities (Cartwright, et al., 2020). (The kids would sort words into a 2 X 2 matrix, with two meaning categories and two spelling patterns… words that begin with B are placed in the B column, but some of these words may be foods and others are toys, so “bread” must be put in both the B column and the food row, etc.).

Whether that training is leading to greater cognitive flexibility generally (executive function), or whether it is only helping kids to be more flexible in the specific task of switching between decoding and word meaning in reading I don’t know. I presume the latter and suspect that in the long run, we won’t be trying to teach EF but rather EF-like abilities specific to reading. (Either way it’s a cool instructional task that would be easy to adopt into classroom practice and the results were impressive.)

The reason for my EF skepticism has much to do with “learning transfer.” Getting people to apply their learning to tasks, problems, and situations very different from the ones that were the focus of their training is difficult and rare in all aspects of learning.  

Fundamentally, EF is bound up in intentionality and self-regulation.

When it comes to teaching reading, we want kids to try to learn. That’s why it can be so helpful to be specific about learning goals and why giving kids a clear idea about the purpose of lessons is so beneficial.  

When it comes to reading, we want kids to try to understand texts based on their reading of an author’s words. That’s why classroom culture needs to convey a deep commitment to meaning in reading and writing.

Providing tools for solving problems and a sense of the conditionality or the need for flexibility is critical. For instance, teaching kids a phonics pattern like VCVe should include attention to words that don’t follow that pattern (done, come, gone) as well as guidance towards flexibility (“if you try the long vowel and it doesn’t make sense, try some alternatives”). Likewise, comprehension strategies need to be applied in different ways depending upon how difficult a text is or its length, and instruction should give students the opportunity to gain such insights.

What I’m arguing against here is a set of lessons on Executive Function.

What I’m arguing for is that we encourage students to be intentional, purposeful, goal oriented, self-aware, flexible, and strategic. Instruction should consider the role that EF must play in all aspects of reading. If something needs to be learned to the point of automaticity, then students should know that, and they need to know why drill and practice might play such a big role in those instructional activities. Likewise, if a skill needs to be applied conditionally, then students should be taught where to direct their attention to make the appropriate determination.

At this time, we don’t have any set of executive function skills that if taught generally will improve reading achievement. Teaching the specifics of these EF skills within reading as they apply to reading is what is called for.

Oh, one more thing. Your school and your graduate program may not be as far apart as you fear. The reading rope was created by Hollis Scarborough in the 1990s to illustrate some of the complexity of reading and learning to read, organizing a set of skills efficiently into a single-page graphic (Scarborough, 2001). At that time, there were only a handful of studies on executive function within reading. Since 2000, that change; there are now hundreds of such studies. Not surprisingly, Scarborough added that variable to her model later on (Cutting & Scarborough, 2012). Both the rope and the active graphics are useful conceptions for conveying some broad ideas; don’t expect either to provide a comprehensive representation of all that is known about reading, nor a roadmap for what to teach.


Cartwright, K.B., Bock, A.M., Clause, J.H., Coppage August, E.A., Saunders, H.G., & Schmidt, K.J. (2020). Near-and far-transfer effects of an executive function intervention for 2nd to 5th grade struggling readers. Cognitive Development, 56,

Cutting, L.E., & Scarborough, H.S. (2012). Multiple bases for comprehension difficulties: The potential of cognitive and neurobiological profiling for validation of subtypes and development of assessments. In J.P. Sabatini, T. O’Reilly, & E.R. Albro (Eds.), Reaching an understanding: Innovations in how we view reading assessment (pp. 101–116). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Duke, N.K., & Cartwright, K.B. (2021). The science of reading progresses: Communicating advances beyond the simple view of reading. Reading Research Quarterly, 56(S1), S25-S44. doi:10.1002/rrq.411

Johann, V.E., & Karbach, J. (2020). Effects of game-based and standard executive control training on cognitive and academic abilities in elementary school children. Developmental Science, 23(4),

Melby-Lervåg, M., & Hulme, C. (2016). There is no convincing evidence that working memory training is effective: A reply to Au et al. (2014) and Karbach and Verhaeghen (2014). Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 23(1), 324–330.

Roebers, C.M. (2017). Executive function and metacognition: Toward a unifying framework of cognitive self-regulation. Developmental Review, 45, 31-51.

Scarborough, H.S. (2001). Connecting early language and literacy to later reading (dis)abilities: Evidence, theory, and practice. In S.B. Neuman & D.K. Dickinson (Eds.), Handbook of early literacy research (vol. 1, pp. 97–110). New York, NY: Guilford.


See what others have to say about this topic.

Jo Anne Gross Jan 15, 2022 06:40 PM

Wow! Every grad school Prof and every teacher should have access to this.

I do think re metacognition that it’s a gift for a teacher to tell the student what to be able to focus on. As in all things, some are more gifted than others.

Thank You!

Mark Pennington Jan 15, 2022 06:42 PM

Fascinating stuff! May I ask how many "sound" and how many "meaning" sort cards did Cartwright include in the "word bank?" I would imagine that the number of "word bank" cards might significantly affect the working memory of students--Let's say three to choose from would be require less working memory than six, but then again each is evaluated individually in terms of comparing to either the sound or meaning. I wonder if adding a 3 x 3 matrix component, say a singular/plural pattern would produce different results.

Andrew Biemiller Jan 15, 2022 07:36 PM

Hello Tim and readers,
Don Meichenbaum and I wrote a book for teachers--Nurturing Independent Learners (1998), . We found that having students assist other younger students in math led to the older students (who were far from advanced in their own grade (4th) in math skills), gained a solid year in math problem-solving after 16 weeks of tutoring others for 30 min/day. I suspect that the same approach could work with decoding and vocabulary as well.
Cheers, Andy Biemiller

Timothy Shanahan Jan 15, 2022 08:28 PM


The kids were asked to categorize 12 cards at a time (they had four separate decks). The reason for two variables was to reflect the need to move between meaning and orthography in reading. It is certainly possible that more demanding sorting tasks could increase or extend the impact (or it might turn out to be irrelevant to improving reading if the demands of the task don't reflect something functional in reading).

Timothy Shanahan Jan 15, 2022 08:32 PM

Indeed, when you teach something you have to learn to articulate what is going on. Part of the sorting task that Cartwright, et al. used to improve reading was to articulate the reasons for the categorizations. In any event, I, like you, suspect that such explaining might give better executive function control. However, such teaching or tutoring effects are likely specific to the tasks one is teaching. Thus, if one had to explain to your classmates how to do something during reading, that might lead to improvements in the reading of the explainer, but it would be unlikely to improve their math skills. EF doesn't seem especially generalizable, but more task specific in terms of how it improves.


Ligia “GiGi” Vasquez Jan 15, 2022 10:09 PM

I am glad I am encouraging the application of EF in my bilingual class. I haven’t attended a graduate program yet but learned about EF from Tools of the Mind They point out EF is a predictor of academic success and I agree with that. In my work environment I don’t use the EF terminology per se, I just apply them. Thanks for this informative and educational space!

Timothy Shanahan Jan 15, 2022 10:27 PM

This is an example of some Executive Function operations that may be more general (in other words, could help kids to learn English, reading, mathematics, and science -- not just any one of those). If kids lack the behavioral control to sit down, pay attention, follow basic directions, etc., then they are going to have both social and learning problems generally. Those kinds of behaviors (not just the academic ones discussed in my blog entry) are also believed to be under the control of Executive Functions.

Sara J Allen Jan 15, 2022 10:36 PM

In my school, students are on IEPs for EF skills. They tend to be students with processing issues and/or ADHD in addition to academic struggles. Sometimes kids are not put on academic IEPs because it has been determined through observation it is an EF issue not an ability issue.

Joan Sedita Jan 16, 2022 06:25 PM

Thanks Tim for addressing this topic. I recently did a free webinar on the role of EF in reading and writing: Your readers may find helpful the following books that I used in developing the webinar content:
- "Executive Skills and Reading Comprehension" by Kelly Cartright (Guilford Press)
- "Promoting Executive Function in the Classroom" by Lynn Meltzer (Guilford Press)

As you point out, instruction attempts to "change" a deficit in working memory don't work. However, there are strategies that students can be taught to help them learn and use reading and writing skills. Many of these are strategies that have been found to support comprehension such as using graphic organizers, summarizing, etc. that support weaknesses with self-monitoring. Others focused on helping students use planning and organizing tools help students with weaknesses in organizing and goal setting. The SMARTS Executive Function Curriculum was developed by the team at ResearchILD, led by Lynn Meltzer who has been involved for years with research and instructional support for students with EF deficits. This curriculum explicitly teaches students how to be aware of EF and strategies to support EF. The curriculum is organized into topics including Goal Setting, Thinking Flexibly, Organizing Materials and Time, Organizing and Prioritizing Information, and Self Monitoring & Self Checking.
Your post focuses mostly on reading, but EF plays an important role in supporting successful writing. My recent blog post "The Not So Simple View of Writing" unpacks Berninger & Winn's model (2006) that identifies executive functions and working memory as important components of writing along with transcriptions skills (spelling, handwriting) and text generation skills: For more on the role of EF and self-regulation, your readers may find helpful the work of Graham & Harris about the role of self-regulation in supporting writing.

Heather Gebo Jan 22, 2022 07:47 PM

Mr. Shanahan, Thank you for a well-timed blog post. I have recently stepped into a new role as a Literacy Coordinator in my small district in VT. Your post broke down research I was familiar with and have added as part of a presentation I am giving soon for my elementary educators. Your explanation around EF & its role in reading, in addition to your research references have given me more I can share with others and read on my own. I appreciate your well thought out posts and all of your other resources provided for educators. Thank you very much!

Peter Dewitz Jan 25, 2022 09:32 PM

I am wondering why scholars in reading shifted the terminology from comprehension monitoring or metacognition to executive functioning. I think this shift was not productive theorizing because it pushes us to focus on very distal causes of reading achievement, causes that are more difficult to test.. The idea was reasonably accepted that readers plan, set a purpose purpose, monitor and repair comprehension when it breaks down. The evidence on utility of metacognition and strategy instruction was reasonable strong. Adding the term executive functioning muddies the water. I agree that as instruction becomes more specific to reading the more effective it becomes.

Tory Jan 28, 2022 01:06 PM

Good point, Peter. I'm groping for terminology to name this problem: how we relabel and then teach something "distally" rather than specifically within the task goal aka reading or writing. Mark Seidenberg said same: "...not give classes in reasoning skills"...but "embed reasoning." The field did this with (mis)teaching of phonemic awareness, too. Recent post on "advanced phonemic awareness" describes this problem in that context: new label, distal teaching. Operating this way interferes with learning which, again Seidenberg, depends on interdependencies, not independent skills. Learning about one thing happens while learning about others =effective.

Taylor Apr 19, 2022 03:14 PM

I think the new reading wars are "SOR extremists" versus most of everyone else now. It's sad, my school is adopting a new curriculum and the focus of the curriculum is solely on speaking and listening, and phonics. There is not much of anything else... Especially not intervention for any kind of self monitoring skill. All difficulty is attributed to lack of decoding skill and background knowledge. It is very extreme in nature. I'm very worried important aspects like executive functioning, self-monitoring, metacognition, etc, are being lost in these extreme Science of Reading models.

Timothy Shanahan Apr 19, 2022 03:45 PM


Thank kind of thing does happen (just as many schools have skipped phonics and other foundational skills). The best way around those problems is to follow the research on what it is that benefits children and then to distribute time to each of those research-based parts of the curriculum. That protects children.

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How do we teach Executive Function in reading?


One of the world’s premier literacy educators.

He studies reading and writing across all ages and abilities. Feel free to contact him.

Timothy Shanahan is one of the world’s premier literacy educators. He studies the teaching of reading and writing across all ages and abilities. He was inducted to the Reading Hall of Fame in 2007, and is a former first-grade teacher.  Read more

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