Dear Dr. Shanahan,
Currently, I am a Kindergarten Reading Interventionist at our K-2 school. My team is struggling with some philosophical differences about how students are placed in classrooms. Most of the kindergarten teachers feel we should be looking at the whole child (academic, emotional, social…) and find the best match for each individual child. But our school places students by guided reading level. Each class would have a certain range of guided reading levels in their class. The idea is to lessen the range of levels in each classroom so there is not a huge spread, making instruction more manageable for the classroom teacher. However, some feel as this is "tracking" and that some of the lower level classes lose good role models. They also feel that reading level defines the child in this type of system and that a student who may excel in math or another area, but not in reading are at a great disadvantage. Help
Shanahan’s response:
This is a tough question… there is a lot of research on grouping and tracking and streaming, but none of those studies focus on this kind of kindergarten tracking (though the practice is quite common). This is a complicated research literature, as well, with lots of different methodologies and conflicting results. In other words, I can’t give you a solid answer, one way or the other.
Part of the problem has to do with whether one looks at the kind of tracking schemes that you are talking about (e.g., dividing 75 kids into one of three classrooms based on whether they are in the top 25, the bottom 25, or the group in between) or more the kinds of within-class grouping schemes in which the kids in a given classroom are divided up further for ability group instruction. And, what about assigning kids to heterogeneous classrooms, while facilitating cross-class grouping for reading instruction?
Another complication is whose achievement (or other outcomes) we are focused on. Often the research has suggested that the changes wrought by such tracking or grouping don’t show up for the overall classroom or school. That is there is not necessarily an overall benefit or disadvantage due to tracking; that is, the average achievement may stay the same. However, that doesn’t mean there would be no differences, just that the gains some kids would enjoy are balanced by the losses of their classmates.
I think the existing research—and remember one has to make some pretty big generalizations from these studies to get to your question—doesn’t suggest any kind of definitive answer… just lots of cautions. In any event, one way or the other, there don’t seem necessarily to be overall big benefits—or big problems—with the scheme, but it would be wise in this case to pay attention to the cautions.
Personally, I’m not a big fan of tracking, and, yet, at least some studies find benefits from it. Given that, I wouldn’t ban tracking, but if I were using it (or having it foisted on my classroom), I would seek to gain its benefits while mitigating its potential problems.
We track some kindergartners at my school by placing all of the students who attended our transitional program and who score well on the PELI into one class and then the others, maybe two or three who didn't score so well, into "regular" kindergarten. The students who are tracked get a more accelerated program and don't have to wait for the new students to learn letters and sounds etc. They get play more and have a lot more fun in kinder than the other students because they're not in rush to learn CCSS. They're ready to learn too because they're older, all turning six, instead of five. Age makes a big difference in my opinion.
Age makes a big difference (at this point in development)... studies show that a 2.5 month age difference typically makes a difference in other important variables like cognition. (Of course, this is a temporary issue... if I were still dating (my wife doesn't allow that) and I showed an interest in a woman 2.5 months younger than me, no one, on the basis of that, would conclude I was a dirty old man. Thanks for sharing.
I am a parent in Cleveland, Ohio. I have a son that is five(5) years old. I believe that a lot of the measures that are used for Kindergarten miss the target. My son went into Kindergarten reading on a second grade level. I had to immediately switch schools at the beginning of the school year to find a school that could accommodate his passion for reading and keep him on a path to become a lifelong learner. The Intergenerational School he attends scored very high on the Ohio Achievement Assessment; however, they are struggling to keep the other children Reading at least at a Kindergarten level. Parents send their children to school expecting that the school will teach them everything when it starts at "Home".
I currently am seeking Scholarships from various organizations to send him to Private School.
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