Is Print Awareness Part of the Science of Reading?

  • 08 February, 2025


Teacher question:    

With all the talk about the science of reading (phonics, phonemic awareness, knowledge building, etc.), I’m not hearing anything about print awareness. Should we still teach that and, if so, how do we do that?

Shanahan response:  

I don’t hear much about print awareness these days either, though I think it is included in every set of state educational standards. But I never (until now) get asked about it.

I think there are many reasons for the lack of interest.

First, is its transience. It only matters for a brief window of time. Once kids are reading, print awareness can be assumed and there’s no more reason for concern.

Also, it is kind of a grab bag. “Print awareness” or “concepts of print” are terms used to describe a disparate collection of knowledge and skill:

  • Recognition that print (not pictures) tells the story,
  • Print represents words,
  • Words are made up of letters,
  • Blank spaces separate words,
  • Words don’t include numbers,
  • Print has orientation,
  • Directionality,
  • What to do at the end of a line of print,
  • Distinguishing front and back book covers,
  • Etc.

Some schemes even toss letters and letter names into this pot. Print awareness lacks conceptual clarity.

My first foray into research – more than 50 years ago – was of print awareness. It wasn’t a great study (maybe not even a good one), but I did come to understand that not all those skills are essential to learning to read. Some of them are probably more like side effects or trivial outcomes of learning to read. Honestly, I don’t think distinguishing book covers or recognizing that words don’t include numbers play an important role in reading development.

RELATED: My Problem with Teaching Text Organization

Those kinds of items can be safely neglected – even if your school tests them. Those especially trivial items are likely tested so often because they are so easy to evaluate. That something is easy to assess is a poor reason for assessing it.

Nevertheless, some items in that list are essential to learning to read – such as recognizing that we read print and that print represents words. Other items play a functional role in reading and do have some value (directionality).

Another confusing thing about print awareness has to do with where it fits. Think of the “simple view of reading” or “Scarborough’s rope.” In those frameworks, print awareness would most likely be categorized as a decoding element. That’s interesting because analyses of actual data show it to be more implicated in reading comprehension and language than in decoding (National Early Literacy Panel, 2008). I don’t understand that either. Don’t ask, I can’t explain it.

Accordingly, researchers have paid much less attention to print awareness than to other aspects of reading. A quick keyword check (PsycInfo) revealed that print awareness or concepts of print show up 11% as often as phonics/decoding and 4% as reading comprehension. There is some print awareness science, but – relatively – not much.

Above I noted two types of print awareness that play a role in reading development.

One category includes skills implicated in the mechanics of reading, including directionality or knowing what to do at the end of a line of print. These skills aren’t difficult to learn, but they are learned behaviors. Directionality is an arbitrary convention of print. In English we read left-to-right. Other scripts do it differently: Hebrew is read right-to-left, and the vertical scripts of Chinese and Japanese are read top-to-bottom.

The truly essential parts of print awareness are more conceptual. They are fundamental understandings or insights (awareness), more than skills to be implemented. An important example of this is the recognition that reading involves print not pictures.

I remember when I first became aware of this. I was reading Ferreiro and Teberosky’s (1982) magnificent study of early reading development. Their interviews and observations of preschoolers in Argentina revealed that young children often have no idea why print is on the page.

My oldest daughter was 3. I’d been reading to her almost daily since her debut. I was certain that any child read to that much would easily have gained that necessary insight. I couldn’t wait to get home to check that out.

When being read to, my daughter looked at the book and often touched the pictures. When she blocked the words I’d simply move her hand or read through the interference. But not this day. No, now when she inadvertently covered the print… I stopped. Dead in my reading tracks. I didn’t even try to finish the sentence.

“Why did you stop? What’s the matter, Daddy?”

I explained that I had to stop because she was covering the words. I couldn’t read because I couldn’t see the words.

She looked at the pages, puzzled. “You read this?” she asked pointing at the print.

“Yes, those are the words that I read.”

We didn’t talk about the different roles the print and pictures play, and I didn’t elucidate on how print does its work. But for the next several reads, she conducted numerous “experiments.” She’d look at my eyes when I was reading and then would try to plop her fingers down where she thought she might bring things to a halt. If I stopped reading, she laughed uproariously. If I didn’t she’d try again.

To tell the truth, I was as surprised as she was.  She was astonished that those black squiggles were what was read, and I was flabbergasted that this brilliant product of my genes who I’d read to hundreds of times had no idea that print told the story.

Research helps explain why this is (Justice, et al., 2012). Children being read to rarely look at the print. Only about 6% of the time. Looking at the print doesn’t reveal how print references language, but it is a necessary step in the process.

The awareness that print is what is being read raises some interesting questions. “Where does it say ‘dragons’”? for instance. If the print shows what to say, how does what we say match with what’s on the page?

Research, including mine, shows that kids formulate all kinds of hypotheses to answer such questions. Sometimes they assume that each letter must stand for a word or syllable. The idea that multiple letters are needed to represent most words is not immediately obvious. The purpose of blank spaces isn’t immediately apparent either. I’m referring to the “concept of word.”

Let’s say the children have memorized Mary Had a Little Lamb. They can recite it from memory. Now we show them text and want them to match their recitation to the print, pointing to the words as they say them (“fingerpoint reading”).

That requires the recognition that words are separated by blanks, that “Mary” and “little” are words (“Mare,” “ree,” “lit,” and “tle” are not words), that “had” and “a” are two separate words and not one (“hada” is very popular with the young’uns), and so on.

Darrell Morris has published provocative data suggesting that concept of word is an understanding that expedites growth in phonemic awareness – and that knowing the consonant sounds facilitates development of the concept (e.g., Morris, 1993).

I’m sure that sequence may upset those who think learning to read proceeds in a straightforward order… with kids mastering phonemic awareness, then taking on letters, sounds, and decoding, eventually confronting words in text.

Nevertheless, most data analyses of early literacy describe this seemingly haphazard developmental pattern. For instance, Linnea Ehri has long explained how learning phonemic awareness and phonics are intertwined. Her data would argue against delaying phonics instruction until kids have accomplished the necessary levels of phonemic awareness. Seeing the relationship between letters and phonemes helps kids to perceive the phonemes within words, just as phonemic awareness contributes to decoding. Likewise, there is no reason to delay exposing beginning readers to print – including engaging them in reading decodable texts and texts with lots of word repetition.

Laura Justice and her crew (2008) have convincingly demonstrated the benefits of pointing at the print when reading to children. Parents can easily do this with a child in their lap or close at their side, while teachers can do it with big books and the like. Dr. Justice reports that such reader behavior contributes to print awareness. She also has shown that talking about text during those read-alouds can be beneficial, too. The readers in their study might point to a word and tell the child, “This says danger.” (I bet Laura’d approve of my refusal to read when the kids’ fingers cover the text.)

When I taught first grade, I used a lot of language experience. The children would dictate, and I would transcribe. Then I’d read it back to them multiple times, and they’d try to join in with me. I not only pointed to the words as we read, but they got to see that the transcription – the writing – went in the same direction as the reading. (That first study mentioned earlier found that my kids were more aware of these aspects of print than was true of the kids in the studies that had already been published on that topic.)

The short answer to your question is:

  • Yes, teach print awareness.
  • Let kids see the text you are reading (or writing) and bring their attention to it.
  • Talk about those spaces between words, and don’t hesitate to point to the words that you are reading.
  • But don’t spend a lot of time on fronts and backs of books or how to turn pages or whether numbers and letters are different, those are more likely to be side effects than facilitators in learning to read.

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Chung, S. C., Geva, E., Chen, X., & Deacon, S. H. (2021). Do we ‘laugh’ or ‘La8gh’? Early print knowledge and its relation to learning to read in English and French. Scientific Studies of Reading, 25(6), 519–533.

Ferreiro, E. & Teberosky, A. (1982). Literacy before schooling. Portsmouth, NMH: Heinemann.

Hiebert, E. H., Cioffi, G., & Antonak, R. F. (1984). A developmental sequence in preschool children's acquisition of reading readiness skills and print awareness concepts. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 5(2), 115–126.

Justice, L. M., Pullen, P. C., & Pence, K. (2008). Influence of verbal and nonverbal references to print on preschoolers' visual attention to print during storybook reading. Developmental Psychology, 44(3), 855–866.

McGinty, A. S., Justice, L. M., Piasta, S. B., Kaderavek, J., & Fan, X. (2012). Does context matter? Explicit print instruction during reading varies in its influence by child and classroom factors. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 27(1), 77–89.

Mesmer, H. A. E., & Lake, K. (2010). The Role of Syllable Awareness and Syllable-Controlled Text in the Development of Finger-Point Reading. Reading Psychology, 31(2), 176–201.

Morris D. (1993). The relationship between children’s concept of word in text and phoneme awareness in learning to read: A longitudinal study. Research in the Teaching of English, 27(no. 2), 133-154.

Morris, D., Bloodgood, J., & Perney, J. (2003). Kindergarten Predictors of First- and Second-Grade Reading Achievement. The Elementary School Journal, 104(2), 93–109.

Nevo, E., & Vaknin-Nusbaum, V. (2018). Enhancing language and print-concept skills by using interactive storybook reading in kindergarten. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 18(4), 545–569.

Storch, S. A., & Whitehurst, G. J. (2002). Oral language and code-related precursors to reading: Evidence from a longitudinal structural model. Developmental Psychology, 38(6), 934–947.

Uhry, J. K. (2002). Finger-point reading in kindergarten: The role of phonemic awareness, one-to-one correspondence, and rapid serial naming. Scientific Studies of Reading, 6(4), 319–342.


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See what others have to say about this topic.

Kimmi Sorg Feb 08, 2025 02:43 PM

I’m surprised not to see a mention of Marie Clay’s seminal work in Print Concepts from 1972 included in this blog. Am I correct that she may have even coined the term “Concepts About Print”?

Karen Harman Feb 08, 2025 02:53 PM

When I first began teaching as a kindergarten teacher, I often used the language experience approach. Dr Van Allen was one of my undergraduate professors. Yes, I’m that old. Do you think it has a place in literacy instruction and if so where and when?

Paul Wilkinson Feb 08, 2025 03:04 PM

Fascinating article that led me to think about its “print” while reading it in dark mode on my tiny screen on my iPhone. As a high school teacher, it also made me think about the “print awareness“ of writers and how I’ve seen that change over the past 15 years. Teaching concepts like MLA format seem to have become more challenging as students have become accustomed to screens (not to mention, automated citation generators used without understanding the purpose behind the formatting). It also brought to mind Steve Jobs’s concern with fonts and how that shaped his creation of this little glass-front rectangle I’m dictating into now to write this comment.

Anne Fillmann Feb 08, 2025 03:31 PM

As a kindergarten teacher, I see firsthand how valuable print concepts are, especially in the beginning stages of writing. Over my 17 years in education, I’ve experienced shifts from CAP to DIBELS, running records, and now back to the Science of Reading. Through it all, concepts about print have remained foundational.

This year, I have students across the spectrum—some excelling readers and others receiving Tier 3 interventions. However, what has stood out the most is the impact of focusing on print concepts within sentence writing and formation. The strength of my students’ sentence construction is the best I’ve seen in my career. Understanding print directionality, spacing, and punctuation has not only supported their reading but has also led to clearer, more confident writing.

While the Science of Reading emphasizes decoding and language comprehension, I firmly believe that concepts about print remain essential, particularly for our youngest learners as they develop both reading and writing skills. Given this, how do you recommend solidifying print concepts beyond kindergarten to ensure they become deeply embedded skills for students? What would a progression look like for print concepts?

Miriam Giskin Feb 08, 2025 04:05 PM

At a workshop (many decades ago) given by Don Holdaway he explained how he developed Big Books in order to create a classroom experience that would provide disadvantaged children with that "lap experience" of being read to by a parent that many of them would otherwise not have. When SOR people disparage whole language I often think of this. While I am glad the teaching of reading is heading more towards the right track I think it is important to remember no one creates a learning tool in order to harm children.

Geri Keskeys Feb 08, 2025 04:13 PM

Great points! This article will be a perfect start for my graduate students to think about why we teach CAP. I love your comment, “But don’t spend a lot of time on fronts and backs of books or how to turn pages…”. I am in a lot of classrooms weekly and it is amazing how much time is spent on these few points every single day over and over again with every book read.

Timothy Shanahan Feb 08, 2025 04:51 PM

Clay's measure of "concepts about print" was original. However, the research on print awareness started years before she made her contribution -- if I were to credit someone for that it would be John Downing. (Even the piece of research of mine described here was conducted prior to Clay's CAP test.

Timothy Shanahan Feb 08, 2025 05:39 PM


There are print features or conventions arise later in development. Print awareness, however, is mainly a beginning reading problem -- one that is aimed at figuring out how oral renditions of print coordinate with the print itself.

Later appearing features like punctuation play an important role not so much in focusing student attention on the print in helpful ways as much as in guiding student to read text fluently or to parse sentences for comprehension. As such, those later skills are taught as part of the reading skills of fluency and comprehension. The progression of their teaching should go along with the text demands of the books used for teaching reading. (Periods and question marks, for instance, are usually taught prior to commas, because it is rare that beginning texts include internal punctuation. Likewise, parentheses, colons, and semi-colons, the role of italics or bolding, etc. tend to appear much later and so are taught much later.)


Gale Morrison Feb 08, 2025 07:34 PM

Anne -- the Science of Reading has always included print awareness. UFLI does a lot of this, for instance. Structured literacy is always grounded in this "understanding print directionality, spacing, and punctuation."

Deborah Lynam Feb 08, 2025 09:52 PM

Scarborough does place “print concepts” in the Language Comprehension strand under Literacy Knowledge.

Timothy Shanahan Feb 08, 2025 09:54 PM


Thanks for that. I couldn't remember that.


Dr. Kathleen J. Brown, Director Emeritus Feb 09, 2025 01:24 AM

Great post, Tim! I would add this reference to your discussion of Darrell's work on concept of word:
Morris, D., Bloodgood, J.W., Lomax, R.G., & Perney, J. (2005). Developmental steps in learning to read: A longitudinal study in kindergarten and first grade. Reading Research Quarterly, 38, 302-328.
This study shows that the ability to fingerpoint through text w/o being led astray by syllable beats is, indeed, ephemeral (i.e., mid K), but interacts with phonemic awareness, as well as beginning and ending consonant knowledge as measured in spelling.
In our 25 years of work with normally-achieving and struggling beginning readers of varying ages, this particular "concept of print" is worth instructional time until kids get it because when students can "locate" themselves in that line of squiggles they can begin to actually use what they are learning about letter sounds. Even just using first consonant is better than just guessing from the picture!
I used to teach Marie Clay's Observation Survey when I first taught methods classes back in the early 90s. Frankly, I think most of those concepts (e.g., punctuation, cover, and even directionality) are easily achieved outcomes of echo reading. Of all of those concepts, we have found that only concept of word merits instructional time.

Lee Feb 10, 2025 03:27 PM

I loved reading this and it got me thinking about something... When I was in grad school for reading instruction about 15 years ago, there was SO MUCH emphasis on concept of word. I have been wondering lately, with the SoR, how important it is to still teach concept of word. Do you think it's still critical to teach the memorization of a text and finger pointing? Or does this skill come naturally as we learn reading now through decodable books?

Timothy Shanahan Feb 10, 2025 03:31 PM


By the time kids are really reading decodable books they should have worked out the word concept. Indeed, it seems to be quite important to support its development. Doing that through memorization of songs and poems and then trying to "read" these as texts is one way to accomplish that. Working with language experience stories is another (the kids don't have to memorize the texts per se, since they have dictated them and heard the teacher read them).


Gaynor Feb 11, 2025 03:57 AM

I have an an agenda of challenging Progressive Education's belief in our constantly moving forward and finding supposed improvement in Education particularly literacy. I have lived through five decades of 'The Reading Wars' and taught phonics during the period in NZ when Dame Marie Clay reined supreme and was a sacred cow. I believe we need to see the last three decades of last century as regressive and repressive in reading instruction, largely because of Clay's dominance which bordered on tyranny. Hence we need to acknowledge that valuable material and ideas from the past in effective reading instruction were consigned to landfill or thoroughly ridiculed in order to accommodate WL ideology which included no explicit instruction.

Another aspect of reading instruction progressive academia condemned was children beginning reading at three years old and supervised by non professionals like parents . Timothy has touched on this and how you even risked being labelled a child abuser for promoting this.

Print awareness is for primmarily for pre school children and through my mother I helped to teach hundreds of three year olds , in the 1970s-2000, and who were brought to our private school room by their parents.

This was a NZ tradition when parents owned the reading books which contained text and phonic lists in the back for drill and spelling . Consequently , as long as these books were the set texts , it was a common in the past before the 1960s, for many five year olds arriving at school with a reading age of seven years having been taught at home.

The books my mother and I used in 1970s to 2000 were The American Ginn 100 , one of Rudoph Flesch'' dirty dozen ', and condemned because they are 'slow' phonics concentrating on whole word reading .These, my mother , supplemented with an intensive course of phonics of the American Heilman phonic workbooks for parent to use. My mother liked the Ginn books because they were phonic friendly although whole word and had good humour. My mother had great success with this combination to the extent that a few brave professors of education ( pro phonics ) came and observed her including the famous Dr Rona Johnston of St Andrews Scotland in the 1990s, who used some of our ideas in her research and study which were responsible for converting England back to phonics. The dramatic Clackmannshire Scottish research was a historical event. Using parents was crucial.

To get to the point ,and relevant to this article a large number of the many historical print awareness exercises for three year olds are in the American Ginn 100 Pre-school workbooks and available , no doubt, in American archival libraries. These are excellent because anybody at all can use them since they include very simple instructions.

Cindy Gross Mar 02, 2025 03:01 AM

As a teacher of 18 years with students of various exceptionality I have seen the shifts in reading like many of my fellow teachers. I have seen students hold the book upside down and tell a story based on the pictures while never understanding the black funny characters are the text telling the story. Your story with your daughter makes me think of my students who struggle with the basic concept of print. For many of them the story comes on Youtube and they never get to hold a book.

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Is Print Awareness Part of the Science of Reading?


One of the world’s premier literacy educators.

He studies reading and writing across all ages and abilities. Feel free to contact him.

Timothy Shanahan is one of the world’s premier literacy educators. He studies the teaching of reading and writing across all ages and abilities. He was inducted to the Reading Hall of Fame in 2007, and is a former first-grade teacher.  Read more

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