Seatwork that Makes Sense for Reading

  • seatwork
  • 31 August, 2024


Blast from the Past: This entry first posted on September 12, 2020, and reposted on August 24, 2024. Recently, I noticed a couple of research studies published in 2024 about seatwork and it reminded me of this blog. Like most professors, I have long looked askance at worksheets and their role in reading instruction (though I had relied upon them as a teacher). These newer studies (e.g., Amendum, et al., 2024), suggest that they are not as bad as we have been led to believe (Taylor, et al., 2005). Good teachers often use a mix of direct instruction along with some practice sheets. Nevertheless, there are studies (Block, et al., 2009) that suggest that this traditional seatwork can be improved upon. That study assigned reading that the children did on their own but provided provocative questions that required students to write extensive answers, and this had a positive impact upon achievement. The suggestions below should be of use as well.

You may be interested in the 9 comments that the original elicited: September 12, 2020 version 

Teacher question: 

I work with students in small groups daily and need the rest of the students to be engaged in meaningful practice of their new literacy skills. What types of activities would be best for this practice?

RELATED: The Science of Reading Versus the Art of Teaching Reading

Shanahan response:

The benefits of small group instruction are obvious. Teachers can make the learning experience more apt and intense – the small numbers allow for more responsiveness, more vigilant monitoring, and fine tuning of the teaching.

The downside of small group instruction should be equally evident. While the teacher is working with one small group, the rest of the kids are on their own. Much more learning takes place with the teacher and, frankly, much less with the kids on their own.

There are some supports and approaches that can mitigate this problem, though their availability is uneven. For instance, some schools provide teacher’s aides, and this assistance can allow productive activity with a couple of groups simultaneously. There may be parent volunteers who play that role. Some schools are close to a college and have access to preservice teachers. And, then there are those classrooms with multiple computers that allow students to work with research-proven programs.

Those situations exist, but there are many more teachers who are on their own trying to manage small groups. I suspect you are one of those.

Even in those cases, there are things a teacher can do to minimize the problem. For instance, in some schemes the teacher moves among groups. This takes various forms. In paired reading, the teacher goes from pair-to-pair to monitor progress, guide partners’ responses, and add some teaching to the mix. I recommend that all the kids in a class work on fluency simultaneously, to make this as efficient as possible. Sometimes teachers alternate between two guided reading groups, interacting with one while the other reads. Cumbersome, perhaps, but workable. Another possibility is book club groups in which the kids play a big role in operating the group discussions; this allows the teacher to move profitably among even more groups.

Teachers can also have everyone in the class reading the same selection at the same time. What varies in this case is the amount of scaffolding, support, and extension that will be provided to some students. That increases the amount of teaching delivered to the lowest readers (they get more help) and decreases it for the best – which fits nicely with Carol Connor’s research (2022) on what leads to the greatest learning for a class. (Connor found that the best readers could make real progress reading on their own and being engaged in more independent activities. She did not find the same benefits for the other students.)

In any event, I’ve long recommended that teachers minimize small group work. Often such work is unnecessary, engaged in only because the teachers are required by their district to do it. This leads to silly stuff like teachers delivering the same lesson multiple times.

While I try to avoid any more small group teaching than necessary, I would never ban the practice. It’s just too valuable and classroom life too complicated to not have access to it – at least when it is used appropriately.

Let’s say you use small group instruction strategically, to target learning needs of students and you need to know what kinds of activities to assign the other students. For that, all you need to do is turn your attention to the research on seatwork…

Except there is no body of research on seatwork (just one study as far as I can tell—and, though helpful, it doesn’t even attempt to describe appropriate instruction in any kind of specific detail).

This is an issue without empirical data; Just lots of authoritative opinion.

So, let me add my advice to the mix.

Use activities that require a lot of accountable reading and writing. We want kids to read and write a lot. Some schemes aimed at doing that reduce instruction markedly to free up reading time. I’m not talking about that kind of thing, since studies haven’t found those practices to be productive for most kids.

The accountability issue is big here. If students know that there will be some real follow up that will take them back through the text in detail it changes both their reading behavior and their learning. I’m not a big fan of one-on-one conferencing in reading because it increases the amount of time kids are away from the teacher and minimizes their accountability.

There are various ways of requiring reading during the time a teacher is busy with another group. The teacher might encourage students to attempt that day’s selection on their own before they try to undertake it with the teacher’s guidance. The same thing can be done, frankly, with a social studies or science chapter. That permits students to read such texts multiple times.

Another possibility is to teach a writing lesson just prior to starting with reading groups and to have the boys and girls working on their compositions or revisions while the teacher is elsewhere. The same can be done with vocabulary lessons.

However, if students have problems with the work tied to such lessons, the teacher will have to follow up – so it’s important that the seatwork not be so demanding that children need teacher help. I’ve tried this with math, which would be fine if doing the problems wasn’t such a big part of the math learning. Teachers really need to be available to take part in that classroom activity, so that pairing wasn’t a good one. 

Accountability means that the teacher is going to have to closely monitor student success. This can be done several ways – but usually through either follow up discussion (small group or whole class) or writing.  

The best seatwork activities will guide students to engage the meaning of the text more deeply. I suspect this is as true for seatwork as for other pedagogical endeavors. That’s why many worksheets and centers simply don’t work very well. To complete them it usually isn’t necessary to think much about the text.

What kinds of activities fit the bill? Here are a few that can be done with any texts that the students are trying to read. The key is to focus them on key parts of the text or language that you suspect will trip kids up.

1.     Sentence reducing and sentence combining

Get students to dig into the meaning of sentences by recomposing them. For instance, have them turn these three sentences into one:

“Cities in many countries have special building laws. Buildings must be strong and flexible. That way, they won’t collapse during an earthquake.” ----> 

To keep buildings from collapsing during an earthquake, cities in many countries have special laws that require the buildings to be strong and flexible.

Or, try breaking this sentence down into multiple sentences:

“So Hayleigh began drawing out her ideas to make charms that look like earrings.”  ---->

Hayleigh draws out her ideas.

She makes charms.

The charms look like earrings.

2.     Cohesion analysis

Get students to connect the ideas across a text. To track the ideas, students can mark each appearance of an idea with different colors or by some other marking system. Here I have used underlining, italics, and bolding to show the links.

“When disasters such as storms, floods, and earthquakes strike an area, people from all over the world want to help. They know that someday they may need help themselves. They also know that it is the right thing to do and that it is rewarding. I think that when people are in need it is important for all of us to find a way to help out.”

“When disasters such as storms, floods, and earthquakes strike an area, people from all over the world want to help. They know that someday they may need help themselvesThey also know that it is the right thing to do and that it is rewarding. I think that when people are in need it is important for all of us to find a way to help out.

3.     Vocabulary and context

Lift some sentences from the text and have the students use the context to figure out the meaning of the underlined word and then have them replace the word with an appropriate synonym or phrase.

Buildings must be strong and flexible. That way, they won’t collapse during an earthquake.

Buildings must be strong and flexible. That way, they won’t _fall down_ during an earthquake.

4.     Text Comparisons

Have students write text comparisons. They can compare today’s text with any other text that you have already had them read or that you have read to them. These comparisons might be of something quite specific such as comparing the characters from two stories, or it might be something more all-encompassing like comparing two social studies chapters (comparing two civilizations in grade 4, for instance).

Each of these exercises requires that students think deeply about the language of the text that they are trying to understand. These kinds of exercises can be done before or after the students have read the text.

Of course, if they are going to analyze text in those ways successfully, you cannot start out with a seatwork assignment. Initially, you’ll need to do these with the boys and girls so that they learn how to do them. In one of Connor’s studies on seatwork, this was one of the big take-aways. Kids often don’t have any idea how to do the seatwork. Using similar activities throughout the year and preparing students to complete them will make a big difference.


Amendum, S. J., Li, Y., Hall, L. A., Fitzgerald, J., Creamer, K. H., Head-Reeves, D., & Hollingsworth, H. L. (2009). Which reading lesson instruction characteristics matter for early reading achievement? Reading Psychology, 30(2), 119-147.

Block, C. C., Parris, S. R., Reed, K. L., Whiteley, C. S., & Cleveland, M. D. (2009). Instructional approaches that significantly increase reading comprehension. Journal of Educational Psychology, 101(2), 262-281.

Connor, C. M., May, H., Sparapani, N., Hwang, J. K., Adams, A., Wood, T. S., . . . Day, S. (2022). Bringing assessment-to-instruction (A2i) technology to scale: Exploring the process from development to implementation. Journal of Educational Psychology, 114(7), 1495-1532.

Taylor, B. M., Pearson, P. D., Peterson, D. S., & Rodriguez, M. C. (2005). The CIERA School Change Framework: An evidence-based approach to professional development and school reading improvement. Reading Research Quarterly, 40, 40–69.

Click here if you would like to read the 9 comments generated by the original entry.

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See what others have to say about this topic.

Dr. Bill Conrad Aug 31, 2024 06:55 PM

Well done Tim. Lots otf great examples of independent student work to accompany teacher-led independent student work.

Speaking of independent student work, I think that it is a much more professional term to be used in conjunction with an explicit instructional teaching practice.

The term seat work is unprofessional and diminishes the importance of independent student work.

What do you think?

Dr. Bill Conrad Aug 31, 2024 06:59 PM

Corrected text!

Well done Tim. Lots of great examples of independent student work to accompany teacher-led small group work.

Speaking of independent student work, I think that it is a much more professional term to be used in conjunction with an explicit instructional teaching practice.

The term seat work is unprofessional and diminishes the importance of independent student work.

What do you think?

Timothy Shanahan Aug 31, 2024 07:10 PM


Yes, that's fine.



Mark Pennington Aug 31, 2024 08:06 PM

Could you give us the salient findings in the Amendum, et al., 2024 study with respect to the use of independent worksheets? The abstract provides no information in this regard, and most of us don't have the $53 necessary to access the PDF.

m newman Aug 31, 2024 08:25 PM

We are required to do centers while working with small groups. I have taught kindergarten for 16 years and still have not figured out how to make this work. We are supposed to work for a small group for 15-20 minutes which means that the amount of individual work is about an hour. Even if they change activities, it is still a long time for them to work independently.

Timothy Shanahan Aug 31, 2024 08:38 PM


This was a correlational study, which identified how time was spent in classrooms and its relationship to learning to read. It found that the most effective teachers were using a combination of authentic texts and worksheets, etc. Unlike in some past studies, there was no particular benefit to using one type of material over another -- in other words, they did see some learning gains due to use of seatwork activities.

"Finally, as has been demonstrated in prior studies (e.g., Morrow et al., 1999; Wharton-McDonald et al., 1998), the teachers in our study used a combination of authentic narrative texts and worksheets, but extent of use of neither type of material was associated with student instructional reading level. Here again, as Table 1 shows, though extent of use of each type of material was similar across grades, with worksheets being used more often, the standard variations are high, suggesting that there may have been sufficient variance to detect significant effects. Our results provide no support for the lore of common wisdom that authentic materials
are better for learning to read than other materials."


Dana Sodergren Aug 31, 2024 08:57 PM

Fine advice for grades 3+, where teachers generally are not teaching reading groups anymore. I teach 1st. A good portion of my students are not reading yet. I would really like to see you address this age group more.

Susan Sep 01, 2024 01:13 AM

Thank you for another thought-provoking article. I work in an Australian high school and am investigating best-practice strategies to implement across Learning Areas. I am interested to read Adam's comment on your previous post, that he is yet to see any "robust research or evidence that supports guided reading". Could you please comment on this? For example, the Reading to Learn program endorsed by various Australian state governments seems to be underpinned by the guided reading approach and appears to be a successful model. I am keen to hear your thoughts.

Ann C Sep 02, 2024 12:52 AM

Dana and m newman are spot on. Independent learning practice suggestions assume students know how to read and write. For those in a classroom with 4-7 year old children creating meaningful literacy practice is more challenging. Admin often thinks they should only be working with letters. Activities that strengthen both self regulation and eye-hand coordination ( perler fuse beads, modeling dough), or strengthen problem solving (lego type blocks, puzzles), or cause children to assess salient features ( sorting buttons by attribute, concept sorts), reading and writing in dramatic play( playing school, playing restaurant), or retelling stories they have heard multiple times before, name writing activities, drawing, and coloring all have elements transferable to early reading and writing. Children still have to be taught how to engage with learning activities and materials but then the teacher can begin both large and small group instruction so that children can also learn to talk, read and write. Whole group interactive writing, story reading aloud, guided drawing, phonemic awareness and phonics all create knowledge that children can practice using independently. What literacy learners look like at 4 is a bit wild, but they can learn to learn and to love school.

Gaynor Sep 04, 2024 01:18 AM

I don't know much about historical American historical literacy , but the seat work activities , mentioned struck me as back to the future.

I can recall , from the 1950-60s, of my school days at a public school , from seven years old on wards , when the whole class could read at the same level, we had individual texts called 'English' to work from.. Unlike work-sheets these were highly structured texts with copious amounts of reinforcement, revision and consolidation which are essential for the less able.T he series of texts graded for each year involved seven elements namely Sentence Structure, ( similar to what Timothy mentioned) , Vocabulary , Punctuation , Grammar,Oral Expression, Written Expression and Comprehension. We wrote the answers in an exercise books which the teacher took home at the weekend to mark. We had to correct our work on Mondays . Every school day we had to fill a page of our exercise books with a story or description etc then take our text home and complete the exercises not done in class. Frequently also we were directed to fill our exercise book with another page of our written work. Incidentally there were also 10 spelling words to learn daily from a home based spelling book . There was a similar programme for maths with a structured maths text , with work not finished to be completed at home . The brightest in the class usually completed all the exercises in class as well as write most of their two pages of daily story writing. Their efforts were stuck up on the classroom wall for other less able class members to read as good examples. The advantage of well structured texts was that a student could use them as reference when for example they forgot what the definition of a pronoun was or an antonym or a past participle, for starting a sentence, were explained in earlier exercises.

After the 1960s , from my perspective the dark ages in learning set in with whole word and whole language applauded but spelling grammar , times tables rote learned and much more including homework and texts which were frowned on. Consequently, after decades of decline NZ now has one of the longest tails of under achievement in the Western World. Whereas the higher social economic status schools may have 83% achieving at the correct level at Secondary School the lowest SES schools have only 3% achieving. Yet in 1970 NZ achieved the highest scores in international comprehension reading tests. Before the rot set in .

Timothy Shanahan Sep 05, 2024 04:41 PM

In 1950s America, there was explicit instruction (including charts) aimed at teaching grammar (syntax). It tended to be very prescriptive and sentence diagramming was a major aspect of the teaching. Schools tended to have grammar books that were neither connected to reading comprehension or writing (kids did little writing in school in the 1950s until the senior year of high school, while grammar was common throughout the elementary grades). The little research on its effectiveness was negative. The kinds of exercises that I was recommending here or elsewhere about sentence comprehension is much different and more in line with research showing more applied approaches to grammar seem to provide students with benefits (in terms of improved comprehension).


Gaynor Sep 08, 2024 05:37 AM

As a science graduate I am always very grateful for Timothy's analyses and summaries of the research and science done recently. This activity is very time consuming and can even be expensive if you need to pay for the articles.
We are ,I believe in a big fight to raise the standards of literacy in the English speaking world after the onslaught of the nonsense ideas of Whole Language which have been allowed to dominate for far too long. Exposed to decades of teaching remedial students has sensitized me to the misery of poor literacy standards for children. I have seen lives turned around by having a child just begin succeeding.

I think all sources of information that contribute to honestly convincing people of the superiority in effectiveness of structured literacy (Intensive phonics) should be used. This includes historical experiences when phonics and structured learning were part of Traditional Education earlier last century. That something went horribly wrong to cancel out phonics for no good reason needs considering.

I do believe research reveals improvements in teaching but also the unfortunate obsession of Progressive Education with novelty still dominates.,

I have recently used texts from the 1950s very successfully because I couldn't find anything comparable being printed now. Definitely , exercises like (1) and (3) mentioned by Timothy were standard in the 1950s,but (2) and (4 ) are novel and I would use those as well.

Sam Sep 23, 2024 07:37 PM


Do you have any thoughts on what primary students can be working on while teachers are working with targeted small groups? For this year, I'm limited by the structure that we have in place for our literacy block, and we have time set aside for small group rotations at every grade level K-4. The activities you mentioned above can be implemented or adapted for 2-4, but what would you suggest for the K-1 students? I worry about trying to give them independent activities that have no real purpose beyond the fact that we're trying to make sure small groups can still happen. I've done a lot of googling and reading of the many professional books I have, and I haven't found anything that I think would be engaging and effective as of yet.

Thank you for any insight you might have!


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Seatwork that Makes Sense for Reading


One of the world’s premier literacy educators.

He studies reading and writing across all ages and abilities. Feel free to contact him.

Timothy Shanahan is one of the world’s premier literacy educators. He studies the teaching of reading and writing across all ages and abilities. He was inducted to the Reading Hall of Fame in 2007, and is a former first-grade teacher.  Read more

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