The Role of Letter Names in Learning to Read is Still Curious

  • alphabet
  • 28 September, 2024

The Role of Letter Names in Learning to Read is Still Curious

The original blog entry included a misinterpretation of a study by Byrne and Fielding-Barnsley. I assumed that when they introduced letters into their PA intervention that they named the letters. I was incorrect in that assumption as Christopher Such a vigilant reader of this blog noticed. That means that there is no evidence that teaching letter names improves reading achievement (though including plastic letters in PA instruction was positive). There is also no evidence that students are benefited by not teaching letter names or that it is better to only introduce sounds for letters than for names. That means I still side with theories that argue for spending a small amount of time teaching letters, but unlike what is incorrectly claimed in this blog, there is still NO direct evidence supporting that belief. This note was added on September 30, 2024 -- I made no changes to the original entry, so it is easy to see my mistake and to disregard to the errant evidentiary claim.

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Teacher question:

I have a question regarding letter naming. I know that for decades, letter naming fluency has been a reliable predictor of future reading ability. I'm wondering if there are any recent studies that continue to uphold this truth. At our school, we are seeing more and more children start kindergarten with very low letter-name knowledge. Yet, our reading scores, for the most part are high. We are in an affluent, education-focused community, and the parents at our school seem to have a good amount of buy-in... yet their kids don't know their letter names! I guess I'm wondering if letter naming is still as reliable a predictor as it used to be.

Shanahan responds:

Indeed, letter name knowledge continues to be the best or one of the best predictors of later reading achievement (e.g., Adlof, Catts, & Lee, 2010; Bond, & Dykstra, 1997; Fletcher, & Satz, 1982; Hammill, 2004; Kegel, & Bus, 2014; Schatschneider, Fletcher, Francis, Carlson, & Foorman, 2004). Consistently, for the past century, studies report reasonably high correlations between letter name knowledge and reading. They vary a bit from study to study depending on how early the letter knowledge is assessed, the outcome prediction (word reading or comprehension), and when the outcome is gauged (kindergarten, first grade, second grade. later).

But knowing the letter names has consistently predicted later reading successfully.

That doesn’t mean that every kindergartner who doesn’t know his/her ABCs is on the way to a lifetime of illiteracy. The correlations vary, but .50 is a reasonable estimate. Alphabet knowledge explains or predicts 25% of the variation in later reading scores. That means that if letter name knowledge causes literacy learning and we could make all kindergartners know their ABCs, there would be 25% less variation in reading ability (that means fewer strugglers).

Of course, a correlation of .50 doesn’t mean that everyone who knows their letters does well in reading or that everyone who starts school without letter names tattooed on their brains won’t learn to read. It is a correlation and far from a perfect one. Given the size of the prediction, it would not be surprising that your kids succeed despite this lack of knowledge.

The important question is, “Is the relationship causal?” Does knowing one’s letters make any difference in learning to read?

There is no obvious functional role for letter names in reading, so it has long been supposed that ABC knowledge isa proxy for some other variable. One idea has been that kids who know more letters are more intelligent. Being able to remember up to 52 meaningless symbols must reveal something about attention, perseverance, memory, and so on.

Another claim has been that ABC knowledge comes about because more educated parents teach this to their children prior to school entrance. Those kinds of parents are likely to continue to offer support, so the numbers of letters known are no more than an index of how much help mom and dads will provide in the future.

That all makes sense until you look closer at the strange letter name data. ABC knowledge is a better predictor of eventual reading progress than IQ. Also, low socio-economic status parents appear to be more committed to teaching the ABCs than those highly educated parents (e.g., Burgess, 1999; Hoyne, & Egan, 2022; Robins, Ghosh, Rosales, & Treiman, 2014; Sénéchal, 2006). The latter might be an example of what you are seeing in your school.

Another weird pattern is that knowledge of the ABCs is one of the best predictors of math achievement, too. Now come on. That really makes no sense.

We don’t really know why alphabet knowledge is such a good predictor, but it is. If you are trying to identify who might be at risk in your kindergarten, it must be considered (along with phonemic awareness, invented spelling, RAN, oral language). I don’t think anyone would disagree with that.

However, if the issue is whether you should teach the ABCs as part of early reading instruction, then you’ll get a pretty good argument. Most programs include the ABCs, with some going a little crazy over it (like letter of the week efforts). Others strenuously object to the teaching of the ABCs (e.g., Diane McGuiness) arguing that letter names are confusing and advocating instruction in sounds but with no names.

I suspect the right answer is someplace in between.

Studies of teaching the alphabet (and there aren’t many) have not found gains in reading achievement due to this tuition (e.g., NELP, 2008; Ohnmacht, 1969 cited in Gibson & Levin, 1975; Roberts, 2003). That suggests not putting much time into teaching the ABCs. Twenty-six weeks on teaching letters is overkill (Reutzel, 1992).

Why should we teach the letters at all?

There are no studies in which groups are either taught letter names or not that show such teaching improves reading achievement. But there is research showing that teaching phonemic awareness has a positive impact on learning to read (NRP, 2000; NELP, 2002), and that teaching letters along with PA multiplies the PA effect (Byrne-Fielding-Barnsley, 1995). It almost triples the payoff. Teaching PA improves reading, teaching PA along with letter names improves it even more. Much more.

I would teach kindergartners decoding and word reading including phonemic awareness, letter names, letter sounds, how to write the letters, morphology, and spelling and I would encourage activities like invented spelling. That’s the surest way to achieve maximum decoding ability – other things are needed to bolster the language comprehension part of the equation.

Let’s face it. Everything has a name. Pretending that letters are an exception won’t improve reading achievement, and teaching the sounds as names will have limited value and add unnecessary confusion (what do we call the letter “e,” in that case: ?, ?, /?/, and of course there is the silent e?).

Beginners do rely on letter names as a reminder of the sounds, and that works sometimes (Venezky, 1975). When there is a misunderstanding (e.g., making the /d/ for W), it is decidedly brief. 

There are theories as to why we should teach letter names (Foulin, 2005; Seidenberg, 2018), and I think they hold water. But to tell the truth these explanations don’t matter. In a nod to Jerry McGuire, you had me when you said teaching letter names tripled the impact of phonemic awareness on early reading achievement.


READ MORE: Shanahan on Literacy Blogs


Adlof, S. M., Catts, H. W., & Lee, J. (2010). Kindergarten predictors of second versus eighth grade reading comprehension impairments. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 43(4), 332-345.

Bond, G. L., & Dykstra, R. (1997). The cooperative research program in first?grade reading instruction. Reading Research Quarterly, 32(4), 348-427.

Burgess, S. (1999). The influence of speech perception, oral language ability, the home literacy environment, and prereading knowledge on the growth of phonological sensitivity: A 1-year longitudinal study. Reading Research Quarterly, 34(4), 400-402.

Byrne, B., & Fielding-Barnsley, R. (1995).  Evaluation of a program to teach phonemic awareness to young children: A 2- and 3-year follow-up and a new preschool trial. Journal of Educational Psychology, 87(3), 488-503.

Fletcher, J. M., & Satz, P. (1982). Kindergarten prediction of reading achievement: A seven-year longitudinal follow-up. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 42(2), 681-685.

Foulin, J. N. (2005). Why is letter-name knowledge such a good predictor of learning to read? Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 18(2), 129-155.

Hammill, D. D. (2004). What we know about correlates of reading. Exceptional Children, 70(4), 453-468.

Hoyne, C., & Egan, S. M. (2022). ABCs and 123s: A large birth cohort study examining the role of the home learning environment in early cognitive development. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 221, 1-17.

Kegel, C. A. T., & Bus, A. G. (2014). Evidence for causal relations between executive functions and alphabetic skills based on longitudinal data. Infant and Child Development, 23(1), 22-35.

National Early Literacy Panel. (2008). Developing early literacy. Washington, DC: National Institute for Literacy.

National Reading Panel. (2000). Report of the National Reading Panel. Washington, DC: National Institute for Child Health and Human Development.

Riley, J. L. (1996). The ability to label the letters of the alphabet at school entry: A discussion on its value. Journal of Research in Reading, 19(2), 87-101.

Roberts, T. A. (2003). Effects of alphabet-letter instruction on young children's word recognition. Journal of Educational Psychology, 95(1), 41-51.

Robins, S., Ghosh, D., Rosales, N., & Treiman, R. (2014). Letter knowledge in parent–child conversations: Differences between families differing in socio-economic status. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 11.

Schatschneider, C., Fletcher, J. M., Francis, D. J., Carlson, C. D., & Foorman, B. R. (2004). Kindergarten prediction of reading skills: A longitudinal comparative analysis. Journal of Educational Psychology, 96(2), 265-282.

Sénéchal, M. (2006). Testing the home literacy model: Parent involvement in kindergarten is differentially related to grade 4 reading comprehension, fluency, spelling, and reading for pleasure. Scientific Studies of Reading, 10(1), 59-87.

Venezky, Richard L. (1975). The curious role of letter names in reading instruction. Visible Language, 9(1), 7-23.


See what others have to say about this topic.

Karen Pina Sep 29, 2024 03:23 PM

Are most of the studies based on timed measures? I wonder if there is an element of RAN/naming speed driving poorer outcomes for students who struggle early on naming tasks.

Lynn Nicole Heasley Sep 28, 2024 02:35 PM

I tutor using EBLI (based on the work of Dianne McGuinnes. We teach letter names during handwriting instruction, but focus on sounds only when reading, spelling and doing phonemic awareness work. Workout fail, my kids scores on letter naming and letter sounds fluency, as well as phonemic awareness, raise significantly.

Andrew Biemiller Sep 28, 2024 03:08 PM

I wonder if there are any multiple regression analyses of vocabulary (PPVT) and letter name knowledge as predictors of reading comprehension by the end of grade three. I predict that letter-naming in kindergarten will not add much variance to predictions from PPVT vocabulary in kindergarten, even though it is necessary to be able to talk about letters in kindergarten or grade one.
Andrew Biemiller

Harriett Janetos Sep 28, 2024 04:16 PM

Thanks, Tim, for this nicely nuanced discussion. Two questions:

1) You say: "Teaching PA improves reading, teaching PA along with letter names improves it even more. Much more." Do you mean as opposed to oral-only PA or even when compared with using letters but referring to sounds rather than names, which is what I did when I taught kindergarten.

2) You include a 2003 article by Roberts. Are you familiar with this more recent research:

"The finding that teaching letter sounds first benefited both accurate and rapid letter sound learning overall for both DLL and non-DLL children recommends teaching letter sounds first."

---Roberts, T. A., Vadasy, P. F. & Sanders, E. A. (2019). Preschoolers’ alphabet learning: Cognitive teaching sequence, and English proficiency influences. Reading Research Quarterly, 54(3), 413-437

Don Potter Sep 28, 2024 04:28 PM

Donald Durrell and Helen Murphy did considerable research into the value of letter names for beginning readers.

Danna Sep 28, 2024 06:42 PM

Thank you for your blog. You mention that "teaching letters along with PA multiplies the PA effect (Byrne-Fielding-Barnsley, 1995). It almost triples the payoff." When the NRP found that teaching PA "with" letters was more impactful, I was under the understanding this meant using the visual representation of the letters to represent the sounds during PA activities is what creates the triple impact of improved PA, not using the actual names of the letters during PA. I am wondering if there are two ideas here. One being that using a physical presentation of letters "during" PA activities improves PA. The other is that teaching PA "and" teaching letter names (as opposed to not teaching letter names) increases reading achievement. I suppose what I am asking is that is teaching PA using a visual representation of letters what gives us triple the payoff or is it teaching PA "and" teaching letter names? Thank you!

Timothy Shanahan Sep 28, 2024 06:46 PM

The study compared oral PA with PA with alphabet, it was not a sounds versus alphabet study.
The research that you cited did not find any consistent benefit from sounds before letters (there were multiple conditions and it was only superior in one of them)... which has been true of past studies ( There is no reliable evidence showing that starting with sounds is superior to starting with letters (seems to depend on what the students already know).


Timothy Shanahan Sep 28, 2024 06:49 PM

You are correct. Both Durrell and Murphy provided a good deal of correlational evidence indicating that the kids who knew their letters earlier made the greatest early progress in learning to read.

Timothy Shanahan Sep 28, 2024 06:51 PM

You are making a distinction that we did not make as the National Reading Panel. It is certainly possible some of those NRP studies did not tell kids the letter names, though that would be unusual.


Gina Toussaint Sep 28, 2024 08:41 PM

Is there a reference for Seidenberg, 2018 about the theory as to why we should teach letter names?

Thank you!

Timothy Shanahan Sep 28, 2024 08:56 PM


Language at the Speed of Sight. Basic Books.


Gina Toussaint Sep 28, 2024 10:36 PM

Thank you, Dr. Shanahan! I have it. ????

Jamie Sep 29, 2024 02:34 AM

It seems plausible to me that the emphasis on the names, specifically, is somewhat missing the point. I would expect that the positive factor for these children is that they know the letter shapes. They can distinguish between these various arrangements of lines and curves, and they have a label to attach to them. The specific label probably isn't exceptionally important.
My observation is that by 1st grade children who have had reasonable instruction know that "m" says /m/. I can't think of an exception. However, I have met a few over the years who still struggle to associate that name/sound combo with the correct assortment of squiggles.

Tim Shanahan Sep 29, 2024 02:46 AM


I’m not sure it is missing the point. All objects have names. Some would like to tell kids the sounds associated with the letters as the names, but that means that the letters have many names and sometimes no names (since they are silent). Having a visually recognizable shape with many visual versions and many acoustic versions but a single name that summarizes that is quite useful to readers apparently.


Jamie Sep 29, 2024 03:12 AM

Oh, I am definitely not advocating for ditching letter names -- though I wouldn't mind changing a few to predict the sound more consistently. I'm simply theorizing that if we look at it as letter identification and take the name debate out of the picture, the reason for the predictive value becomes obvious to me. A child who enters school knowing that "t" and "r" are different meaningful things has the first crucial foundation for literacy. A child who sees meaningless squiggles has to spend key instructional time building that foundation.

Harriett Janetos Sep 29, 2024 05:16 AM

From Jamie: A child who enters school knowing that "t" and "r" are different meaningful things has the first crucial foundation for literacy. A child who sees meaningless squiggles has to spend key instructional time building that foundation.

Diane McGuinness speculates that the reason letter name knowledge correlates with reading outcomes is because of experience with paired-associate learning and not with knowing the names of letters per se. I believe it was Rebecca Treiman who conducted a study comparing the UK (emphasis on sounds) to the US (emphasis on names) and found initial outcomes based on differences in those two approaches but no significant difference in end-of-first grade reading ability.

Mary Baker-Hendy Sep 29, 2024 07:58 PM

The correlation makes sense to me...sound to symbol correspondence. Children need to learn both the letter names, the symbols of written language, and the sounds that they represent. Experienced teachers understand that this is an important distinction to make when teaching the alphabetic principle and they teach it explicitly. When a young reader confuses the two and calls the symbols the sound and vise versa it is a sign on confusion that needs to be addressed. When children clearly understand this alphabetic principle they can talk about the letters and sounds in words. That is important.

When we teach a child whose primary language is not English we use those names to make important distinctions for them. "In Spanish, the letter J makes the /h/ sound, in English the letter J makes the /J/ sound." When we orally spell a word, we spell with the symbols, the letter names, yes?

Dr. Shanahan, the topics in your blog makes us think about language and literacy in a deeper way. Mary Baker-Hendy

Timothy Shanahan Sep 29, 2024 08:54 PM

No, it is a pretty wide mix of studies over a very long time (100 years)... some are time, many perhaps most are not. They are truly measuring knowledge not RAN.


Chris S Sep 30, 2024 12:17 PM


In the blog you state the following:

"...teaching letters along with PA multiplies the PA effect (Byrne-Fielding-Barnsley, 1995). It almost triples the payoff. Teaching PA improves reading, teaching PA along with letter names improves it even more. Much more."

Having read Byrne & Fielding-Barnsley (1995) a couple of times now, I'm not sure that this study does show anything about the teaching of PA along with letter names compared to just teaching PA. The study compares teaching PA using some resources with not teaching PA at all using those same resources (instead focusing on things like general pattern spotting). In other words, the study shows that teaching PA is beneficial compared to not teaching PA. (Even then, there is also no clear suggestion that the experimental group in this study were even taught letter names. The picture of the letter was present when trying to spot objects that began or ended with that sound, and the participants were told what sound that letter 'made'.) I also looked at the two prior studies linked to this one (as this is a follow up of a 1991 study and another follow up was conducted in 1993). Again, I found nothing to support the statement that "teaching letters along with PA multiplies the PA effect".

Is there a different study that shows this, perhaps?

Or am I missing something in Byrne & Fielding-Barnsley (1995)?

From experience, I appreciate the practical advantages to instruction of pupils knowing letter names, and I know there are lots of studies that show correlations between letter name knowledge and other literacy skills. And I certainly appreciate that PA instruction in the presence of visible letters appears to be considerably more beneficial than oral-only PA instruction. But I can't find anything yet to support your the statement from the blog that I quoted above. I would appreciate being directed towards anything that shows the effect you describe.

Timothy Shanahan Sep 30, 2024 01:20 PM


I regret to say that you are correct in your evaluation of this claim. I have checked with the senior author of the studies that I interpreted (Brian Byrne) and he, too, though not entirely certain about the matter given the distance in time, agrees with your conclusions. He believes that they DID NOT use letter names in their intervention. I am sorry for my misinterpretation... it means that there are no studies that provide direct evidence that teaching letter names has any impact on learning to read. Thanks for your careful eye.


Chris S Sep 30, 2024 03:55 PM

I have nothing but respect for you, Professor Shanahan. Thank you for all the work that you do and for your openness to discussion.

Linda Cherubino Sep 30, 2024 04:46 PM

Re: Let’s face it. Everything has a name. Pretending that letters are an exception won’t improve reading achievement, and teaching the sounds as names will have limited value and add unnecessary confusion...
Yes! How is one supposed to talk about letters without mentioning their names...they aren't Voldemort.

Alexandra Sep 30, 2024 08:38 PM

Hi Dr. Shanahan!

I may be getting into the weeds a bit here, but my question is: is it essential for children to learn letter names before they learn the sounds, or should their teacher be instructing on both letter name and letter sound together?

And my potentially weedier follow-up question: does that answer depend on the ages of the students?

Thank you!

Joanne Oct 01, 2024 01:43 AM

Dr. Shanahan,

So after reading the correction I am still wondering why primary students do the DIBELS LNF (letter naming fluency) subtest.


David Reinking Oct 01, 2024 12:54 PM

Pretty hard to teach the sounds of letters without naming them or, when you do name them, children don't know what letter you're talking about. Letter names are pedagogically useful because they are terms (like many others) used in the language of instruction for phonics, spelling, etc..

Timothy Shanahan Oct 01, 2024 04:52 PM

There is one certain benefit and one possible benefit. The certain one is if you are trying to identify which children are likely to have difficulties in learning to read... the LNF test should be part of the collection of measures that you would use to to do that. As for the possible benefit: there are two points of view about teaching letter names -- one is that they do not matter and may even be confusing to kids (e.g., Samuels, McGuinness) and the other is that they are helpful and should be taught (e.g., Ehri, Seidenberg). There is no direct research on which to pick between those choices. If the latter one is correct (and I think it is), then LNF will reveal an important need, if the former is, then you can safely skip the test.


Harriett Janetos Oct 01, 2024 04:54 PM

I've just finished listening to an interview with Linnea Ehri where she said she watched a Tik Tok video featuring a teacher using Elkonin boxes to teach segmentation and having students say the letter names rather than sounds--which, Ehri emphasized, is definitely not what we should be doing. I disagree with David that it's hard to teach the sounds of letters without naming them. That part is actually quite easy (and what I did teaching kindergarten), and since segmenting and blending involve sounds, not names, it's easy to focus lessons on the sounds. Letter names are "pedagogically useful" as labels, but there can be so much confusion, even among teachers, about their application to segmenting and blending that this can undermine reading instruction as demonstrated in that Tik Tok video.

Timothy Shanahan Oct 01, 2024 04:55 PM


Here is a piece a wrote on that very subject.

Faith Dincler Oct 02, 2024 06:33 PM

So, does this sounds correct?
1. Letter naming remains one of our best predictors of future reading success, although the reason why isn't quite clear.
2. There is no research that proves teaching letter names to children who have low LNF scores will improve their reading, however many experts believe it's helpful as long as we aren't spending an inordinate amount of time on it.

This continues to fascinate me...that it's such a strong predictor but may or may not be all that useful to teach. This would be a great research study for someone!

Molly Bishop Oct 02, 2024 12:11 PM

As a reading intervention teacher, I’ve long been an advocate of referring to the the letters by sound, rather than name. The Greeks figured out a good system for the names: provide a nonsense syllable that begins with the sound of the letter. If that were our system, there would be no controversy. But then the Romans screwed it up by making some letter names start with the sound of the letter and other names end with the sound. Then new letters got added and the letter names got even more confusing. So, for years I had students (way fewer than 50%) who entered first grade thinking they knew the sounds of the letters because they ‘knew’ that B said /b/ and D said /d/ therefore L, M, N, F, S, and X all said/e/. The worst was getting U, Y and W all tangled up. No amount of practice eliminated the strong idea that U said /y/ and Y said/w/. I had to create a series of lessons explaining the system: there were easy letters, medium hard letters, hard letters (like the vowels) and then there were a couple of downright tricky letters. It’s time spent with confused children that makes people like Diane McGuinness think there must be an easier, more straightforward way to literacy.

Timothy Shanahan Oct 02, 2024 08:32 PM

Yes, that is a good summary.


Harriett Janetos Oct 03, 2024 12:45 AM

"No amount of practice eliminated the strong idea that U said /y/ and Y said/w/."

As Halloween approaches, I will think about my first grader who wrote a yonderful yitch story! (He didn't attempt the word 'wonderful' but that is how he spelled 'witch'.)

Gaynor Oct 09, 2024 12:57 AM

This is something to sort out , I think , preschool level. My mother and I taught hundreds of three year olds to begin reading particularly those with handicaps . At this age songs like 'Old Macdonald had a Farm' were helpful distinguishing names from the 'noises ' they make. Onomatopoeia words and poems, along with alliteration, assonance and tongue twisters should be included in any preschool programme. Unfortunately most children in NZ preschools for 3-4 year olds learn the alphabet song based on names of letters. This is often not very good since frequently they haven't even learnt the shape it refers to, let alone the sound. I encourage all parents to buy an alphabet freize to put on the wall and to revise daily for about 10 minutes concentrating on identifying the shapes of sounds and the names. Jolly phonics, see free alphabet -phoneme song on line, concentrates on focusing on the sounds and actions accompanying the picture and letters eg 'm m m m 'and rubbing 'full' stomach but I like an emphasis on the shape as well so two mountains side by side for /m/ or m. I do wonder which is best? I torture myself trying to think of a freize that combines both sound and shape aspects. I have always been led to believe most of the letter names have sound elements of the phoneme present as well eg t and /t/. This is certainly not true of w. And of course for the long vowels the names are also the phoneme. It seems silly not not learn the letters as well for oral spelling purposes.

Varlan Allan Feb 05, 2025 01:22 AM


I was looking over more about how the brain processes the visual aspects of the letter-form. Interestingly, the brain tries to make an association with words, which to me sounds like "names". Without knowing what something is called, ie. named, it would be difficult for a child to make any connection to the usefulness of a letter-form. Letters seem to need to be recognized before they can be assigned meaning.

With this said, it is my experience that teaching a child what a letter form is, in terms of its functionality, can help overcome this barrier of needing to know the letters' names. I often see educators explain, "A" says "/ah/" but the way educators should describe this is "When we see this letter, we need to make our mouth (or teeth or tongue or lips, or throat) do this.

Explicit teaching of why and how letters work to help us communicate goes a very long way for a child to obtain phonological awareness skills and ultimately literacy.

Varlan Allan Feb 04, 2025 03:06 PM

I have a hunch that letter name knowledge is not the predictor that people think. My suspicions are that parental or familial guidance (including verbal skills) and their emphasis on the importance of education plays a much larger and significant role. I wonder what the statistics are on this area over say knowing letter names.

This is coming from someone (my self) who has taught over 2000 students to read from phonemic awareness to reading fluency.

Timothy Shanahan Feb 05, 2025 01:47 AM


The problem with that is that if every time a child sees the letter a, he says or thinks ah, he is going to be wrong much of the time. The letter can make a short sound, a long sound, a schwa, a short o sound, and it can be silent. The same happens with the letter form. There is a need for some way of uniting all of those different visual and auditory representations and a name does that -- a potential letter sound does not.


Renée Laqueur-van Gent Feb 11, 2025 04:32 PM

Thank you so much for your 28/09/2024 blog about the role of letter names in learning to read, Tim Shanahan. Finally I possess science based arguments why ABC-letter names are an essential factor in learning to read and write in an optimal way. In case you might be interested in the dogma that rules in Dutch speaking countries (The Netherlands, the Flanders part of Belgium and Surinam), where, since the introduction in 1960 and its skilfull marketing, the method 'Veilig Leren Lezen' (VLL, 'Safely Learning to Read'), and its clones under other names, have become an almost monopoly, hereby my sketch:
The way of instruction for letters and one syllable words is a 100% 'phonics' based: each letter has a fixed sound, the letter name is identical to this sound, reading a word is uttering the consecutive letter sounds (in a drawling -the advocating experts call it since 2014 a 'singing'- voice). Letter combinations (being 2 letters or even 4) that represent 'one sound' are also called 'a letter' which are, by the way not sound spellable as the combination does not lead to its sound. The pupil has to silently imprint the letter sequence in his memory. All this is considered to be 'evidence based' by providing only a very limited array of learning material (words, phrases) that does not contradict very much this instruction. It is utterly based on 'what your ears are hearing' and misses an unambiguous vocabulary to speak about 'what your eyes are seeing' at the same time.
This interpretation of 'phonics' does not run parallel on what pupils experience(d) in seeing and hearing outside the school classroom, does not match the way their first names and surnames are written, and plants 3 to 4 years of persistent desinformation in pupils brains about vowel and consonant sounds. The latter due to the fact that since 1984 -as results in primary schools had gone down hill- in kindergarten too this instruction has become the 'prescription'.
When more syllable words are introduced unlearning becomes a necessity as our writing code has more ways to represent in letter(s) a certain sound, whereas during normal talk even the letter sound is so unclear that you cannot 'hear' if the word contains e.g. the s, or the z, or the c, or that the vowel you hear has a 'long' sound or its 'short' one. As losing face for teacher (and the teacher of the teachers) is of course unthinkable, their then introduced 'language rules' and terminology is downright bizarre to those who are able to explain the writing code in a consistent logical, non lying (!) way from the beginning by means of making clear difference between 'what you hear' and 'what you see'.
Since the sixties the results for and pupils pleasure in reading and writing Dutch have been steadily declining, these days even to an alarming extent, that gave rise to an enormous (private) remedial industry (using ......the same method).
There has always been a group of protesting (remedial) teachers, claiming "For dyslexia and underperformance in Dutch language the contents of the language instruction is to blame in the first place, not children's brains, parents, society, TV, media....etc.", but lacking critical number, and time (as 'working on progress and happiness of my pupils are more important') and money (!), makes your external help from the USA extra welcome to bring about changing views.
Luckily, one Belgian professor, Mrs. Helena Taelman, (Taelman = Language human :-)), found you and put me on your path, She has the intention to notify her colleagues. I am spreading your blog as well.
Finally my question. When you mention the word 'phoneme', does that only refer to 1 alphabet letter and its possible sound?
Or is a 'phoneme' also a sound that is represented by more than one alfabet letter? E.g. phoneme "i"/"o" (in, it, is ... women), "y" (hymne, copy), but also phoneme "ey/ui/a-e" (money, quick, considerate)?
Looking forward to your further blogs and warm greetings from Schilde, Belgium,

Renée Laqueur-van Gent
author of Commons (kindergarten and primary school) and (Dutch as a second language)

Timothy Shanahan Feb 12, 2025 04:05 PM

A phoneme is a perceptually distinct unit of sound that distinguishes one word from another. In English phonemes may be represented by one more letters: p in pad, ch in chip, ough in bought. Phonemes are actually a collection or range of sounds. For instance, the sound you hear at the beginning of pin is not exactly the same sound you hear at the beginning of pot. In that case, the following vowel requires some variation in the pronunciation of the /p/. So a phoneme is a range of sounds that are categorized together within a language. There are something like 500 phonemes used by world languages -- with about 44 in English, 37 in French, and so on.


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The Role of Letter Names in Learning to Read is Still Curious


One of the world’s premier literacy educators.

He studies reading and writing across all ages and abilities. Feel free to contact him.

Timothy Shanahan is one of the world’s premier literacy educators. He studies the teaching of reading and writing across all ages and abilities. He was inducted to the Reading Hall of Fame in 2007, and is a former first-grade teacher.  Read more

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